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How To Kiss A Monster

Click Part 1 through Part 5 to read all 102 pages of book "BONEME: How To Kiss A Monster."  New graphic novel by Joy Rip. Paperback available on Amazon. For monsters of all ages.
Boneme Part 1
Boneme Part 3
Boneme Part 5
Boneme Part 2
Boneme Part 4
BONEME Paperback Available on Amazon

Fairy Tale by Monsters for Monsters

When There Is No Story Left To Tell, There Is Only.....The Image.

happy happy
joy boy

"First one is alone with one's thoughts and an image.

"Then... when there is nothing left to say and no story to tell, one is left alone only with the Image. The dead tell no tales."

Joy Rip's thoughts on her graphic novel's relation to narrative.

Boneme Book Review

Grady Harp (LA, CA): Amazon's Top Reviewer of the arts reviews the paperback edition of BONEME.
"This is sensitive writing and art that manages to draw even the most skeptical reader of graphic novels into the fold."
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"BONEME: How to Kiss a Monster" by the lovely late great Joy Rip is an experimental graphic novel that is more of an art book or artist’s book than a comic book.

Boneme is the name of our central character. And it tells the story of a poor joyless boy who is determined to experience something called happiness, especially romantic happiness, before he dies.

Unfortunately, it is not to be. Joy, the narrator of our story and Boneme's dream girl, dies at our poor desperate boy's own hands.

Is this picture book a cautionary tale about unrealistic hopes of happiness… unattainable dreams of joy? Or is it a nihilistic fairy tale?

“BONEME” is a tale for telling when there is nothing left to say… It is a tale for telling when tragedy is neither beautiful nor profound, only overwhelmingly painful and ugly.

It is a tale to be told when tragedy is utterly unredeemable.

There are people born unhappy every day… or are quickly made unhappy after birth. Boneme is just one. Their stories rarely get recorded or told. And... for good reason. No one wants to hear it. That is why this silent majority is so silent.

This story is meant for them and those who think they know someone like them. This story is meant for anyone who has no story... anyone wants to hear. Enjoy.

BONEME Paperback Available on Amazon
"BONEME: How to Kiss a Monster" – Read all one hundred and two pages of this graphic novel by Joy Rip for free online.
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